Zodiac gemstones are the stones that are associated with the different Zodiac signs in the Western Horoscope. They are not birth stones, they are Zodiac sign stones. (This is not a complete list of stones. It is a list of the gemstones I personally use to make my Zodiac gemstone jewelry.)
Click on the Zodiac signs below to go straight to the gemstones associated with that sign.
Leo, Aquarius Transmutes negative energy into positive. Calming, cleansing and purifying. Assists with choosing and being chosen. Used as a symbol of renewal of marriage vows and to assure promises. Aids the kidneys and bladder.
Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn Known as the “Stone of Spirituality and Contentment”. Transmutes lower energies into higher frequencies. Balances energies. Enhances decision-making abilities. Assists in stimulation of new ideas. Imparts a soothing and calming influence. Assists in conquering addictions. Aids the nervous system, digestive tract, heart, stomach, teeth and skin.
Gemini, Pisces, Aries Known as the “Stone of Courage”. Accelerates thought processes and intellectual reasoning. Encourages preparedness. Guards against injury in battle. Balances the physical and ethereal bodies. Emits a gentle and compassionate energy encouraging moderation. Aids in balancing and fortifying the glands, improving vision, and maintaining teeth and bone structure.
Blue Lace Agate
Pisces Assists in attaining high spiritual spaces. Highly inspirational. Contains qualities of flight, air, movement and grace. Aids in strengthening skeletal structure and arthritis.
Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius Simulates analytical capabilities and precision. Protects against envy, fear and rage. Helps banish sorrow. Stabilizes energy at home. Dispels apathy and passivity. Cleanses negativity from other stones. Assists thespians. Increases physical energy, personal power creativity and compassion. Aids against colds and allergies.
Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo Known as the “Merchant’s Stone”, assists with acquiring and maintaining wealth. Dissipates and transmutes negative energy. Stimulates mental focus and endurance. Clarifies problems related to intellect and emotions. Helpful in problem solving. Stabilizes emotions. Dispels anger. Helps with positive thinking. Aids in digestion, increased visual abilities, and balancing the thyroid.
Pisces, Capricorn Known as the “Stone of Discernment and aptitude”. Facilitates limitless range of mental achievement and exploration. Brings order to chaos. Discourages chaotic, disruptive and disorganized growth. Stabilizes and produces order. Assists with acting objectively. Increases concentration. Purifies, cleanses and eliminates disorder. Aids with dissipating states associated with colds, flu, strep infections, cankers and ulcers. (The different colors of the Zodiac gemstones below still fall into the same astrological sign.)
Clear and energizes the aura. Aligns chakras. Brings together mind and spirit.
Cleanses, tidies and renews chakras. Diminishes mild emotional trauma. Eliminates negativity in a room.
Assists with precise communications of psychic information. Brings order to psychic and spiritual growth.
Enhances creativity. Supports intellectual pursuits. Stabilizes group energy.
Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius Known as the “Stone of Health” also “Stone of Commitment”. Extracts negative energy from chakras. Brings devotion, warmth and understanding. Stimulates and balances energy. Amplifies emotional and intellectual regeneration. Assists in feelings of abandonment. Brings order to chaos. Aids spine, spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition, hearts, lungs and blood - any condition requiring regenerative forces.
Aries, Aquarius Known as a “Stone for the Mind”. Helps clarify thoughts. Assists in mathematical pursuits, mental and manual dexterity. Calming, balancing. Transforms negativity. Attract “kind” love. Brings grounding tranquility and emotional clarity. Aids with leg cramps, blood disorders - such as anemia, nervous disorders and insomnia, proper healing of breaks and fractures and spinal alignment.
Gemini Calms communications to facilitates awareness. Encourages emotional expression. Assists with retentive memory. Spurs ambition. Eliminates hesitation, pain, stress and rage. Lessens rudeness and boisterousness. Encourages subtlety and tact. Aids in balancing calcium levels, teeth, bone structure and soft tissues.
Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus Stimulates accurate visions. Balances male/female aspects. Assists with releasing discord. Can use to simulate a compass to know of direction and directional forces. Eliminates debt while enhancing money management. Enhances precision. Aids with liver, lessening fatty deposits and riding body of toxins.
Leo Known as the “Supreme Nurturer”. Assists you in bringing joy and substance to others. Conducts awareness. Assists with celebrating isolation. Protective. Grounding. Stabilizes and sustains energy. Soothes nerves. Aids in repairing deteriorating kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, and stomach. (The different colors of the Zodiac gemstones below still fall into the same astrological sign.)
Assists and protects during travel (astral or physical).
Induces health and rebirth. Brings fresh ideas and strategies.
Connects with “other” world.
Leo Jasper Stimulates creative visualization. Furthers business pursuits. Brings hidden thoughts, griefs, fears, and hopes to surface allowing you to deal with them. Stimulates the immune system.
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo Protects aura. Assists understanding destiny. Assists with traversing change, attracting strength and perseverance. Provides clarity to inner sight. Helps one advance. Enhances patience. Aids in stimulating mental acuity, reducing anxiety and stress, digestion, regulation and metabolism.
Lapis Lazuli
Sagittarius Known as a “Stone of Total Awareness”. Expands awareness and intellectual capacity. Assists objectivity and organization. Helps overcome depression. Brings successful relationships. Protects from psychic and physical attack. Aids with insight to dreams. Aids throat, bone marrow, thymus, hearing loss, and Eustachian tubes and the immune system.
Capricorn, Scorpio Known as the “Stone of Transformation”. Assists with change. Clarifies emotions. Equalizes and balances - creates unobstructed paths. Represents fidelity. Brings understanding. Protective. Said to dispel symptoms of vertigo. Enhances the immune system.
Cancer, Libra, Scorpio Balancing, introspective, reflective and lunar. Relates to new beginnings. Hoping and wishing stone. Helps absorb what is needed, not necessarily what is wanted. “Feeling” stone - brings understanding from intuition and emotional thought rather than intellectual reasoning. Brings insight. Stimulates intuitive recognitions. Enhances perception and discernment. Alleviates emotional tension. Enhances positive creativity. Cleanses negativity. Stimulates confidence and composure. Protects travelers. Talisman of good fortune. Provides sustaining energy. Aids in rejuvenation of many degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs of the body.
Moss Agate
Virgo Leads towards characteristics of agree ability, persuasiveness, strength, and effectiveness. Improves ego and self esteem. Allows one to see the beauty in all things. Promotes growth of crops. Aids in acquisition of wealth. Aids in fungal infections, relieving symptoms of colds, internal infections and flu.
Snowflake Obsidian
Virgo Known as the “Stone of Purity”. Brings purity and balance to the body, mind and spirit. Allows recognition of unnecessary patterns. Promotes sensitivity to love and beauty. (Obsidian - Grounding, healing, protective, provides clarity.)
Leo Centers and aligns energies. Banishes grief. Enhances self-control. Stimulates wise decision making. Encourages happiness and good fortune. Balances. Helps absorb needed energies. Aids bone marrow, soft tissue structures and feet.
Virgo, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Emits warm and friendly energy. Magnifies the inner aspects of any situation or circumstance. Regulates cycles. Protective. Helps heal bruised egos. Assists in finding lost things. Aids in regenerating and strengthening the body, heart, lungs, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers, and eye sight. Aids in birth.
Clear Quartz
All Astrological Signs Dispels static electricity. Redirects energy to a beneficial state. Produces natural balance. Amplifies body energy and thoughts. Clears and activates the energy centers of the body. Purifies and amplifies energy. Assists in maintaining calm clarity. Protective. Promotes emotional stability. Aids immune system, digestive system, kidney and bladder infections, and burns.
Taurus Known as the “Stone of Love”. Assists in achieving greatest potential. Balances energy. Grounding. Dispels anxiety. Clears heart chakra. Encourages generosity of spirit. Aids with emphysema, light sensitivity, heart, strep infections, inflamation of joints, and arthritis.
Rose Quartz
Taurus, Libra Known as the “Stone of Gentle Love”. Brings peace and calm to relationships. Promotes receptivity to the beauty of art, music and written word. Enlivens imagination. Calming. Gently removes negativity. Restores harmony. Balances love emotions. Heals emotional wounds. Aids in clearing fluids in the cells, promoting the release of impurities, and clearing skin.
Gemini Known as the “Stone of Creativity”. Assists in building solidarity and cohesiveness in relationships and groups. Assists with avoiding distractions of the mind. Dispels mirages of reality. Encourages truth, reveals that which was hidden. Promotes clarity in thought and sight. Dispels abrasiveness of character. Discourages tirades, temper tantrums and general grouchiness. Promotes the feeling and understanding of loving acceptance. Aids in vertebra alignment and re-vitalization of the skin.
Sagittarius Equalizes and stimulates intellect. Eliminates confusion. Stimulates group compatibility. Encourages self-esteem and trust. Enhances truthfulness in emotions. Aids in purifying body, dispelling insomnia and digestive system.
Tiger’s Eye
Capricorn Assists with clarity and organizing. Grounding. Enhances practicality and discretion. Increases optimism. Stimulates wealth and enhances stability to maintain wealth. Raises awareness of self needs and the needs of others. Enhances psychic awareness. Soothing. Generates calmness in turmoil. Aids eyes, throat, reproductive system, aligning spinal column and mending broken bones.
Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio Strengthens and aligns all chakras. Facilitates attunement. Heals and cleanses. Protects from environmental pollutants. Grounds. Provides soothing energy and peace of mind. Protects against accidents. Protective. Balances male/female aspects. Assists in communications. Induces wisdom and understanding. Enhances trust, kindness and recognition of beauty. Promotes romantic spontaneity. Emanates purifying energy, dissipates negative energy. Aids with headaches, absorption of nutrients, cataracts, and strengthening entire anatomy.
Scorpio Balances emotions. Provides gentle release of spiritual growth inhibiting blockages. Brings consciousness to present. Aids in enhancing weight gain in desired areas, and stimulating healthy pregnancies.
Below are some of the Zodiac gemstones I use for my jewelry making. I have listed them by Zodiac sign with the Zodiac gemstones associated with that sign next to it.
This Zodiac gemstones list does not list all the stones available. Be sure and do some research if you plan on making your own Zodiac gemstones jewelry. There are TONS of different stones and crystals to choose from.
Zodiac Gemstones by Sign
Zodiac Sign
Zodiac Gemstones
Aquarius The Water Bearer January 20 - February 18
Almost all gemstones or crystals are Zodiac gemstones. They all have an astrological association. Once again, these are just a few of the Zodiac gemstones I use when making my Zodiac gemstones jewelry. Learn more about gemstone properties...
I hope you will try my technique of using Zodiac gemstones to personalize your jewelry gifts. It's a lot of fun, and makes for some very unique gifts!
Click here to check out my Zodiac gemstones jewelry.