Back Stitch

The back stitch is probably one of the most simple of all the embroidery stitches. It is a simple line stitch used mostly for outlining, definition and creating details in your projects.

This stitch is created exactly the same as the back stitch used in cross stitch. The only difference is that in hand embroidery, you get to decide the length of your stitches, since most hand embroidery is done on fabric, not necessarily on Aida cloth.

Knot the end of your thread. Insert your needle, from behind, where you would like to start your line. Pull through to the knot. Insert your needle, from the front, into the next stitch point. Pull tight. You will now have the first portion of your line stitch made. Insert your needle, from behind, and come up where you want the next stitch to end. (Make sure it is about the same length away as the first portion.) Pull tight.

Insert your needle backwards into the end of the first completed stitch. You just connected your two stitches. Continue in this forward and back motion until you have completed the line, or until you get to the end of your thread. Pull your thread to the back of your work. Make a knot to secure your stitches. Try and keep your stitch length as uniform and straight as possible. It makes for a much neater looking finished project.

This is a versatile stitch that is also used in seaming together crochet pieces.

Next stitch: Basic Knots

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