Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius Simulates analytical capabilities and precision. Protects against envy, fear and rage. Helps banish sorrow. Stabilizes energy at home. Dispels apathy and passivity. Cleanses negativity from other stones. Assists thespians. Increases physical energy, personal power creativity and compassion. Aids against colds and allergies.
Cancer, Libra, Scorpio Balancing, introspective, reflective and lunar. Relates to new beginnings. Hoping and wishing stone. Helps absorb what is needed, not necessarily what is wanted. “Feeling” stone - brings understanding from intuition and emotional thought rather than intellectual reasoning. Brings insight. Stimulates intuitive recognitions. Enhances perception and discernment. Alleviates emotional tension. Enhances positive creativity. Cleanses negativity. Stimulates confidence and composure. Protects travelers. Talisman of good fortune. Provides sustaining energy. Aids in rejuvenation of many degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs of the body.
Clear Quartz
All Astrological Signs Dispels static electricity. Redirects energy to a beneficial state. Produces natural balance. Amplifies body energy and thoughts. Clears and activates the energy centers of the body. Purifies and amplifies energy. Assists in maintaining calm clarity. Protective. Promotes emotional stability. Aids immune system, digestive system, kidney and bladder infections, and burns.