What are the chakra colors, and what can they tell us? Before I answer that, here's a short introduction to the chakras.
Our body is made up of different energy fields. Those energy fields are broken up into smaller energy centers called the chakras. Each of those chakras has a color associated with the frequency of the energy vibrations. “Chakra” means “wheel” in Sanskrit, so basically, you can think of a chakra as a spinning wheel of energy.
The chakras are whirling, cone shaped, vortexes of energy located in certain parts of the body. Each chakra energy field governs some sort of feelings, emotions, characteristics and physical function within that part of the body. When the chakras are out of balance or blocked, there can be some sort of physical manifestation like a disease or ailment.
Note: Some believe that the chakras continue on above the Crown (Head) to include 12 total chakra centers. These additional 5 chakras have more to do with our spirituality and our spiritual development than they do with any physical body functions.
The 1st Chakra: Root - Red
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It governs the hands, feet, hips, legs, kidneys, bladder, the spinal column and the adrenal gland.
This is where the most primitive of our energy comes from. It is our grounding center, and connects our physical body to the material world. It is our connection to the Earth, and feeds all of the other energy centers within our body. When you think of this chakra, think of primitive energy and raw power. This chakra relates to self and self awareness.
Element: Earth
Energy Focus: Stability, grounding, physical energy, will and willpower, security
Chakra Colors: Red, black, gray and brown (pink is used for a gentler energy)
Chakra Stones: Any stone with protective or grounding properties. Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Red Zincite, Smokey Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, and Tigers Eye
The 2nd Chakra: Sacral - Orange
The Sacral Chakra is located slightly below the navel in the lower abdomen. It governs the sexual organs (uterus, ovaries, testes, scrotum), the lower bowels, the prostate and the adrenal and reproductive glands.
This is where our self-respect and self-love energies come from. It is the center where we discover and revel in the uniqueness of self. It takes our raw, primitive energies and refines them. When you think of this chakra, think of sophisticated creativity and personal desires. This chakra relates to our sexual libido (or drive), energy flow and emotions.
Element: Water
Energy Focus: Creativity, healing, sexuality and reproduction, desire, emotion, energy flow
Chakra Colors: Orange, all shades of orange (some say blue-green as well)
Chakra Stones: Any stone with energy flow promotion or creative properties. Bloodstone, Blue-Green Fluorite, Blue-Green Turquoise, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Orange Zincite, Red Jasper, Ruby and Vanadinite
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus - Yellow
The Solar Plexus is located just below the ribs. It governs the liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine and pancreas.
This is where our personal power and feelings of self-worth come from. It is our stabilizing center, where we establish how we feel about ourselves. It takes our awareness of self and our emotions to a more intelligent and thoughtful level. When you think of this chakra, think of self-worth, self-awareness and ego. This chakra relates to our self-worth, self-image and our perception of how we are seen by others.
Element: Fire
Energy Focus: Intellect, ambition, personal power, self-love, stabilizing, balance
Chakra Colors: Yellow, all shades of yellow
Chakra Stones: Any stone with balancing, awareness enhancing or proper energy usage properties. Aragonite, Citrine, Golden Calcite, Malachite, Pyrite, Rhodochrosite, Rudilated Quartz, Tigers Eye, Unikite, Yellow Jasper, Yellow Sapphire and Yellow Topaz
4th Chakra: Heart - Green
The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest, at the heart. It governs the heart, breasts, lungs, upper chest and back, bronchial tubes, immune system and the thymus gland.
This is where our love for others, compassion and self-appreciation comes from. It is the balancing and control center for all of the other chakras. All energies and emotions filter through this center at one point or another. It allows us to take all of our baser energies and emotions to an even higher level of understanding and then balance them with tenderness, compassion and human awareness. When you think of this chakra, think of absolute and unconditional love, compassion and understanding. This chakra relates to love, compassion and understanding.
Element: Air
Energy Focus: Love, compassion, understanding, human consciousness, emotional balance
Chakra Colors: Green, all shades of green, pink
Chakra Stones: Any stone that promotes balance, compassion, love or understanding. Emerald, Green Aventurine, Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline, Jade, Lepidolite, Malachite, Pink Calcite, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Rubellite Tourmaline, Turquoise and Watermelon Tourmaline
5th Chakra: Throat (Thymus) - Blue
The Throat (or Thymus) Chakra is located at the base of the neck, at the throat. It governs the throat, ears, nose, mouth, neck and the thyroid gland.
This is where self-expression and communication comes from. It is our expression center, where and how we express ourselves to the rest of the world. It takes our intellect, compassion and base energies, and then turns them into creative self-expression. When you think of this chakra, think of communication of all types and creative self-expression. This chakra relates to communication and self-expression through all forms, such as writing, speech and the arts.
Element: Spirit (Ether)
Energy Focus: Communication, expression, self-expression
Chakra Colors: Blue (aqua or turquoise), lighter shades of blue
Chakra Stones: Any stone promoting communication and self-expression. Angelite, Aquamarine, Blue Calcite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz, Celestite, Chrysocolla, Lorimar, Sodalite and Turquoise
6th Chakra: Third Eye - Indigo
The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the forehead, above the eyebrows. It governs the eyes, lower head, facial nerves, brain, sinuses, and pituitary gland (some also include the pineal gland).
This is where our higher understanding and knowledge of our true self, intuitions or “6th sense” and our dreams comes from. This is our responsibility center. It opens our minds to a new, and deeper, understanding of our higher self, along with our responsibility and duty to it. It takes all of our emotions and perceptions to a whole new level of acceptance and understanding. This is where our mysticism, “gut” instincts and dreams live. When you think of this chakra, think not only of a higher level of understanding the meaning of our life, but also an understanding, and acceptance of, our true purpose in that life. This chakra relates to our intuition, higher understanding and spiritual awareness.
Element: Telepathic Energy (Spirit)
Energy Focus: Spiritual awareness, psychic power, intuition, divine guidance
Chakra Colors: Indigo, darker shades of blue
Chakra Stones: Amethyst, Azurite, Charoite, Hawks Eye, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Moss Agate, Sodalite, and Sugilite
7th Chakra: Crown (Head) - Violet
The Crown (or Head) Chakra is located at the top of the head. It governs the brain and the pineal gland (some also include the pituitary gland).
This is where awareness of our higher consciousness and our spiritual self comes from. It is our higher self-awareness and enlightenment center. It connects our physical bodies with our mind and spirit. It is where we make the connection between all that we know and understand, with that which we can’t see or touch. It is the place for ultimate self awareness and a higher perception of our wisdom, understanding and enlightenment. When you think of this chakra, think simply of ultimate enlightenment: perfection of mind, body and spirit. This chakra relates to enlightenment, a higher consciousness and a perfection of our energies.
Element: Higher Spirit
Energy Focus: Enlightenment, cosmic and universal consciousness, higher energy, perfection of mind, body and spirit
Chakra Colors: Violet, all shades of purple, white or colorless
Chakra Stones: Amethyst, Clear Calcite, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Danburite, Herkimer, Selenite, White Calcite and White Topaz
These definitions and characteristics are in no way complete. There is a much deeper understanding to be found with more research into the chakras and the way they effect our body and mind. The above is an abridged version of the chakras, their associated organs, glands and elements, the chakra colors, basic energies and the stones associated with them.