Chakra Stones

Which gemstones can be used as Chakra Stones?

Gemstones have different qualities and give off different energy vibrations. Some are better for use as chakra stones than others.

Below is a list of some of the more commonly used stones for balancing, opening, clearing or energizing the chakras.
Learn more about gemstone properties...

Chakra Stones and their Properties

Amethyst Opens and activates Crown chakra
Celestite Aids in clearing and perfecting chakras
Citrine Balances energy and aligns chakras with ethereal plane
Opens and activates the Solar Plexus chakras
Energizes the Root chakra
Stimulates Crown chakra
Amber Opens and cleanses the Solar Plexus chakra
Copal Activates Crown chakra
Green Aventurine Activates, clears and protects the Heart chakra
Bloodstone Awakens and balances the Root, the Sacral, the Solar Plexus and the Heart chakras
Centers and grounds the Heart chakra
Clear/White Calcite Stimulates energy of all chakras
Use at the Crown chakra
Carnelian Use with the Root, the Sacral, the Solar Plexus and the Heart chakras
Promotes physical energy, creativity and compassion
Chrysoprase Aligns all chakras
Activates the Heart chakra
Diamond Activates the Crown chakra
Green Flourite Good for cleansing and renewing chakras
Garnet Stimulates Root chakra
Removes negative energy from all chakras
Promotes physical healing
Hematite Good for treating and closing the Root chakra
Herkimer Dissolves blockages in all chakras
Pink Kunzite Activates the Heart chakra
Aligns and balances all chakras
Kyanite Aligns all chakras automatically
Used to open all chakras
Lapis Lazuli Activates and clears the Throat and the Third Eye chakras
Malachite Stimulates the Heart and the Throat chakras
Releases congestion in the Solar Plexus
Moldavite Use at the Throat, the Third Eye, and the Crown chakras
Moonstone Cleanses negativity from all chakras
Black Obsidian Grounds the Root chakra
Tigers Eye Promotes intuition at the Solar Plexus chakra
Enhances psychic ability at the Third Eye chakra
Turquoise Elevates and attunes all chakras
Facilitates communication skills at the Throat chakra
Black Tourmaline Stabilizes the Root chakra
Dispels negativity
Green Tourmaline Use at the Heart chakra
Deep Pink Tourmaline Stimulates the Root chakra and the connection to the Heart chakra
Watermelon Tourmaline Superior activation of the Heart chakra
Rose Quartz Loving energy to the Heart chakra
Balances energies of all chakras
Quartz Crystal Opens all chakras
Activates the Crown chakra
Gives clarity of consciousness
Balances and heals emotional wounds at the Heart chakra
Smoky Quartz Use at the Root chakra
Helps blend the energies of the Root and the Crown chakras.

For more information on gemstones, go to Gemstone Properties.

Gemstones that are used as chakra stones are mainly for balancing, activating, closing or opening the chakras. If you are lacking balance in some area, you may find that one or more of your chakras are to blame. Using the energies from certain gemstones can aid you in re-balancing and re-energizing that area.
Learn more about chakras and chakra colors...

Basically, any gemstone has the potential to be used when working with the chakras. The biggest considerations you should worry about when choosing your gemstones, are:

What quality will a certain gemstone lend to your chakra?


Which chakra would benefit most from that quality?

The gemstone color becomes less important than it’s properties. You will find, however, that most of the time, the qualities and properties of the chosen chakra stones will lean towards the color of the chakra in need.



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