Chinese Element

What does the Chinese element Water say about you?

Water Qualities

Season:   Winter
Weather:   Cold
Direction:   North
Color:    Blue
Sense:    Sight
Body Organ:    Kidneys
Conductive:   Wood
Controls:   Fire
(Negative/Passive)Yin Example:   Rain or dew
(Positive/Active)Yang Example:    Ocean waves or rivers

Characteristics of The
Chinese Element Water

Those born in a year ruled by the Chinese element Water find themselves to be very persuasive. They have the ability to influence those around them to do what they want. They achieve their goals through others. They make others want what they want, without them even realizing it. Their skills of communication are renowned and they are easily able to communicate their desires and ideas to others. Water will greatly enhance the persuasive nature and any communication skills within the astrological sign.

This ability of subtle, yet gentle, persuasion is how Water gets things done. They have an unceasing and persistent, yet un-obstructive, way of getting what they want. Others never feel manipulated or forced into following Water ideals, and once convinced, will pursue them with fervor, as if they were their own.

Water prefers to be a part of a team, rather than the leader, so they know how to pick the best leader for whatever team they are on. They have an uncanny knack of being in the right place at just the right time, or talking to just the right person to help them achieve their desired outcome. Those ruled by Water tend to ride the wave of others success, but within that wave they find their own success.

Those influenced by Water also have an ability to see future potential. Their intuition and hunches very seldom fall through. Their ability to find and pick out future successful ideas, people or products makes them great for jobs or positions that would draw on that skill. They can easily pick the best “whatever” for the job someone needs done. Others should always heed the words and predictions of Water.

Positive Water, the active or yang part, will push forward their ideals and goals with the ferocity of a raging, flooded river. They can be an awesome force to behold. Unfortunately, if not held in check, the damage they leave behind can be un-repairable.

Negative Water, the passive or yin part, can tend to be too malleable. Too content to ride the coat tails of anothers success, or to lean on others too much for support. They can be too passive and agreeable, changing their personality and beliefs to imitate those of someone else.

For those born under the Chinese element Water to succeed, a balance must be maintained between the positive and negative aspects of this element. They must, when need be, rage like the river, and at other times have the calm fortitude of the mountain lake.


Metal   Wood   Fire   Earth

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