Chinese Zodiac

chinese zodiac

What does the Chinese Zodiac Dragon
tell you about yourself?

Here is a basic list of years and a short description of those born under the Chinese Zodiac Dragon. (Keep reading if you are looking for a more detailed depiction of your character.)

The Chinese Lunar Zodiac is just as involved and complex as the Western Solar Zodiac. You may want to check out the detailed descriptions of the Chinese elements to get a more accurate and complete picture of your character.

Lunar Sign of
The Chinese Zodiac Dragon

chinese zodiac

1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036

Chinese Zodiac Dragon: Full of vitality and enthusiasm, the Dragon is a popular individual even with the reputation of being foolhardy and a "big mouth" at times. You are intelligent, gifted and a perfectionist but these qualities make you unduly demanding on others. You would be well-suited to be an artist, priest, or politician. (Found on just about any Chinese restaurant place mat.)

The Dragon

I am an unquenchable fire,
the center of all energy,
the stout heroic heart.
I am truth and light,
I hold power and glory in my sway.
My presence
disperses dark clouds.
I have been chosen
to tame the Fates.


-From The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes
-By Theodora Lau

If your birthday falls in January or early February, use this table to see if your birthday actually falls into the Chinese Zodiac Dragon sign.

Lunar Year of the DragonElement
 Feb. 16, 1904  to  Feb. 03, 1905 Wood
 Feb. 03, 1916  to  Jan. 22, 1917 Fire
 Jan. 22, 1928  to  Feb. 08, 1929 Earth
 Feb. 08, 1940  to  Jan. 26, 1941 Metal
 Jan. 26, 1952  to  Feb. 13, 1953 Water
 Feb. 13, 1964  to  Jan. 31, 1965 Wood
 Jan. 31, 1976  to  Feb. 17, 1977 Fire
 Feb. 17, 1988  to  Feb. 05, 1989 Earth
 Feb. 05, 2000  to  Jan. 23, 2001 Metal
 Jan. 22, 2012  to  Feb. 09, 2013 Water
 Feb. 09, 2024  to  Jan. 28, 2025 Wood
 Jan. 28, 2036  to  Feb. 14, 2037 Fire

*All dates figured using Universal Time (UT).

To find out how to convert to your local time, click here

Chinese Zodiac Dragon Characteristics

Direction    East Southeast
Season    Spring
Month    April
Time    7 am to 9 am
Western Sign    Aires - Mar 21 to Apr 19
Fixed Element    Wood
Male or Female    Male
Yin or Yang    Yang
Positive or Negative    Positive
Active or Passive    Active

In the Chinese Zodiac Dragon is the fifth animal in the lunar cycle.

About the Chinese Zodiac Dragon

The Dragon is self-motivating, strong and very sure of himself. He is direct and can be very blunt or even callous. He has a virtual storehouse of energy and is always on the go. He feels a strong sense of duty and responsibility to the world and everyone in it. You will not see a Dragon sit still for long, he’s much too busy for that! He is constantly moving or doing, and because of that, he inspires and motivates others. He is a risk taker, a trail blazer and a natural born leader.

Depending on when you were born, you may be any extreme of the Dragon. Dragons born during storms will have a much more tumultuous and hectic life than those born on a calm day. The time of day you were born will play a large role, as well. Depending on what your ascendant is, your character could be much changed with their influences. The sign of the Chinese Zodiac Dragon, more than most other signs, will feel the affects of their ascendant’s influences. This is a karmic sign, and those born into it are said to ‘wear the horns of destiny, which represent power and duty’.

A Dragon is always up for a fight. He is the cause fighter, the defender of equal rights, and the demander of justice. His incredible speaking skills make him a desired advocate for any cause. He can be more determined, headstrong and stubborn when faced with challenges others think he can not win. He will fight with a fierce power and seemingly endless energy for what he thinks is right. His confidence in himself and his belief in his cause will just add fuel to his fire. If you are wise, you will not take an opposing side to a Dragon on a mission. He will beat you down with brute strength, meeting you head on, as he doesn’t believe in subterfuge or trickery. A Dragon doesn’t like to lose, and will go to great lengths to ensure his own victory. An angry and determined Dragon is an intimidating sight, and attempting to challenge one would be foolhardy, at best.

Due of his own lack of cleverness and use of manipulation, he fails to see that in others. Since he is always straight forward and direct, he expects that everyone else is, too. This can cause him great problems when trickery or subtle insinuations are sent his way. This can be a blind spot in his make up. He is unable to unravel intricate plots or understand and decipher innuendos or subtleties. His straight-shooting ways are easily confused when you throw them into the mix.

His lack of trickery or subtlety makes it impossible for him to hide his emotions, he wears them on his sleeve. You always know what he’s feeling at any given moment. He makes very little, if any, effort to hide his emotions or feelings. He may not be the best confidant, as he is more likely to blurt out your secret in anger than he is to keep it. (He has no secrets, so why should you?) But no matter what, you will always know where you stand with a Dragon, and he will be happy to tell you if you have any questions.

You can always count on a Dragon to come to your aid if you are in need. He can be reliably counted on is a crisis, and will come to anyone’s aid or defense. A Dragon never waivers from, or shirks his responsibilities. You will never find him passing the buck, or letting others do his work for him. He has high ideals and very seldom will even ask for help. To him, that would be admitting he couldn’t do something by himself, and as you know, a Dragon doesn’t admit defeat easily.

He is an incredibly loyal friend, spouse and parent. He defends those close to him with a ferocity that is unmatched. Even though a Dragon is not sentimental or romantic, he is very passionate. He speaks his mind, and is always sincere. If you have wronged a Dragon, you will know it, and if you have wronged someone he loves, watch out! He will make sure you feel the full bite of his displeasure. Luckily, he has no time for grudges, for if he did, many would not survive his prolonged irritation! The Dragon quickly forgives and forgets once he has blown off his steam.

The Dragon loves the outdoors, and will likely find a way to spend most of his life in them. He loves to travel and may be extremely active in any cause that includes defending nature. He will enjoy fishing, hunting and camping, just about anything that will bring him closer to nature. It would not be surprising to find him leading a group of rich philanthropists on his quest to save the environment and preserve it in its natural state.

Normally, a Dragon doesn’t give much thought to finances or money. They are a necessity, but not something that overly concerns him. He is generous with those he loves, but would rather be out fighting for causes then worrying about trying to make money. This doesn't mean that he can't make money, though. If there is a need for it to support his causes, or to support his needs, he will most definitely find a way to raise any needed funds. He would just much rather leave his finances up to someone else.

The Dragon has no need to decorate himself or his house in finery, so his financial needs are fairly minimal. His high self-esteem and sense of self-worth carries with it, it’s own sense of grandeur. He would prefer practical clothing, even a uniform, to lacy or frilly nonsense. He has no time to worry about such non important things. He prefers efficiency and practicality when it comes to his clothing. He must be comfortable in order to worry about more important things like work, and saving that damsel in distress.

A Dragon does have the capacity for accomplishing great things. He has the energy, drive and focus to do so. He will always go to great and exhaustive lengths before he will admit defeat or failure. He must learn that with his great drive and seemingly boundless energies, that even he has limits. He has a tendency to become fanatical over issues and could eventually end up burning himself out completely. He must learn to find a balance between his desire to fight and win, and his need to occasionally concede defeat and rest. His successes will come through hard fought battles, his sheer vitality for life, and his willingness to bravely face any and all of life’s challenges.

Other Signs Compatible with Chinese Zodiac Dragon:


Signs Compatible to Some Degree with Chinese Zodiac Dragon:

Rabbit (Hare)
Other Dragons
Sheep (Goat)
Boar (Pig)

Other Signs Incompatible with Chinese Zodiac Dragon:


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