Chinese Zodiac

chinese zodiac

What does the Chinese Zodiac Rooster
tell you about yourself?

Here is a basic list of years and a short description of those born under the Chinese Zodiac Rooster. (Keep reading if you are looking for a more detailed depiction of your character.)

The Chinese Lunar Zodiac is just as involved and complex as the Western Solar Zodiac. You may want to check out the detailed descriptions of the Chinese elements to get a more accurate and complete picture of your character.

Lunar Sign of
The Chinese Zodiac Rooster

chinese zodiac

1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041

Chinese Zodiac Rooster: The Rooster is a hard worker; shrewd and definite in decision making often speaking his mind. Because of this you tend to seem boastful to others. You are a dreamer, flashy dresser and extravagant to an extreme. Born under this sign you should be happy as a restaurant owner, publicist, soldier, or world traveler. (Found on just about any Chinese restaurant place mat.)

The Rooster

I am on hand
to herald in the day,
and to announce its exit.
I thrive by clockwork and precision.
In my unending quest for perfection
all things will be restored to
their rightful place.
I am the exacting taskmaster,
the ever-watchful administrator.
I seek perfect order in my world.
I represent unfailing dedication.


-From The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes
-By Theodora Lau

If your birthday falls in January or early February, use this table to see if your birthday actually falls into the Chinese Zodiac Rooster sign.

Lunar Year of the RoosterElement
 Jan. 22, 1909  to  Feb. 09, 1910 Earth
 Feb. 08, 1921  to  Jan. 26, 1922 Metal
 Jan. 25, 1933  to  Feb. 13, 1934 Water
 Feb. 12, 1945  to  Feb. 01, 1946 Wood
 Jan. 30, 1957  to  Feb. 17, 1958 Fire
 Feb. 16, 1969  to   Feb. 05, 1970 Earth
 Feb. 04, 1981  to  Jan. 24, 1982 Metal
 Jan. 22, 1993  to  Feb. 09, 1994 Water
 Feb. 08, 2005  to  Jan. 28, 2006 Wood
 Jan. 28, 2017  to  Feb. 14, 2018 Fire
 Feb. 13, 2029  to  Feb. 01, 2030 Earth
 Feb. 01, 2041  to  Feb. 19, 2042 Metal

*All dates figured using Universal Time (UT).

To find out how to convert to your local time, click here

Chinese Zodiac Rooster Characteristics

Direction    Direct West
Season    Autumn
Month    September
Time    5 pm to 7 pm
Western Sign    Virgo - Aug 23 to Sep 22
Fixed Element    Metal
Male or Female    Female
Yin or Yang    Yin
Positive or Negative    Negative
Active or Passive    Passive

In the Chinese Zodiac Rooster is the tenth animal in the lunar cycle.

About the Chinese Zodiac Rooster

The Rooster can be quite an eccentric fellow. He exudes confidence and has a take charge attitude. He is very work oriented and always a perfectionist in some way. A lover of strict schedules and routines, he will run his life, and the lives of those around him with military like precision. He is friendly, outgoing and has a sunny disposition. You can always count on a Rooster to come to your aid, or help someone in need.

There are two basic types of the Chinese Zodiac Rooster: There are the super talkative ones that leave you wondering when, or if, they ever stop to take a breath. Then you have the discomforting silent observers that watch your every move, and seem to be able to see through walls and into your very soul. Either type will seem to have a constant and limitless energy supply source that others would love to plug into. Both types will also have a very high opinion of self. Either will portray a sense of superiority and confidence to all those around him. Once you get to know him, though, you will find that his air of confidence and his constant extolling of his own virtues is more to reassure himself, than it is to impress or annoy others. Due to this uncertainty, a Rooster can be very susceptible to flattery and manipulation.

A Rooster does exceptionally well when handling money. He can create and easily follow iron clad budgets. He is very careful how he spends his every penny. While he can be very generous with those he loves, he is not one to spend his money lavishly or without some end objective in site. Since he loves everything about accounting and counting money, whether or not it’s his, he would do really well in any sort of job that required him to handle money, financial transactions or debt collection. A perfectionist at heart, the Rooster is adept at management and organization, as well. Any sort of job requiring exacting protocols, rigid schedules and micro-management would be a “match made in heaven” for him.

He is an extremely determined, hard worker, with a seemingly boundless energy supply. He is very articulate and expresses himself very well either in writing or in speech. He loves to debate, is very inquisitive, and highly competitive. He has an amazing stamina that will wear down even his most ardent opponents. He is well educated and does his research on just about everything, so be ready for a mind numbing argument if you choose to debate with him on a subject he knows. While he may go to great lengths to discredit his opposition, he is not vindictive, and he won’t hold a grudge. After a long, stern lecture, all is forgiven, and he moves happily on.

As he loves to be the center of attention, the Rooster can be a little selfish when it comes to sharing the limelight, or attention he feels is rightfully his. He tends to wear bright and cheerful colors, but his everyday clothes will be comfortable and practical. They need to fit within his extremely busy lifestyle, but he is a sharp dresser, and knows how to choose clothes that attract attention. He absolutely loves to accessorize, and will use his accessories to add to his impressive clothing statement. He will usually possess many bright or exotic pieces of jewelry, shoes, ties, etc. He tends to over decorate everything, including himself, his office, his home and his car. Most of his money will be spent on his clothing and accessories.

He loves praise, and does not take criticism well, at all. He can have a difficult time admitting when he is wrong, as he feels he is right, all the time. In his family life, he is the doting, patient and protective parent. He needs lots of support and encouragement, and definitely needs to be number one, but he is highly dependable, and very optimistic. He would do well to have lots of adoring children, and a spouse that was supportive, understanding and liked to follow his meticulous routines. The Rooster loves efficiency and regularity, and will rule his family with a firm, but very loving hand.

The Rooster has a huge heart, and hates to see others suffer unnecessarily. He will be the first one to jump in and lend a helping hand, and he will gladly dispense advice, whether wanted, or not. He tends to be a little abrasive with his advise or his thoughts though, and is highly opinionated, but he always means well. He is highly intelligent, and has a very scientific mind that allows him to see most situations quite clearly. His blunt and usually accurate assessments of those situations can often rub people the wrong way. Be very careful when you ask a Rooster what he thinks, because he will tell you. He doesn’t sugar coat anything, and will tell you how he sees it, with very little thought to your feelings, but he truly will have your best interests at heart. It would serve the Rooster well to learn a little tact and diplomacy, being a little less blunt or candid would make his sage advice a little easier to swallow.

A Rooster tends to dreams big, and aspires to achieve great heights in his lifetime, but even though he would do well at anything he chooses, he is destined to succeed in ordinary things. However, his grand dreams are entirely possible, as long as he is able to maintain his focus. He has the tendency to get bogged down and overwhelmed by details. As long as the Rooster maintains his practicality, and doesn’t go overboard with his dauntless enthusiasm and ambition, he will achieve anything he sets his mind to.

The Rooster is a an active soul. He is actually afraid of having nothing to do, or anywhere to go. His life is full of meticulous schedules, busy routines, and he prefers it when everything works with clock-like precision. He can lead or follow, whichever will get him to where he wants to go the fastest, and although he may appear to some, to be too blunt and self-obsessed for his own good, he is a highly indispensable asset to his family, friends, co-workers and employers. His greatest successes will come from effectively applying his brilliant mind, his endless energies and his optimistic attitude to reasonable and achievable goals.

Signs Most Compatible with Chinese Zodiac Rooster:


Signs Compatible to Some Degree with Chinese Zodiac Rooster:

Sheep (Goat)
Boar (Pig)

Signs Incompatible with Chinese Zodiac Rooster:

Rabbit (Hare)
Other Roosters

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