Gemini, Pisces, Aries Known as the “Stone of Courage”. Accelerates thought processes and intellectual reasoning. Encourages preparedness. Guards against injury in battle. Balances the physical and ethereal bodies. Emits a gentle and compassionate energy encouraging moderation. Aids in balancing and fortifying the glands, improving vision, and maintaining teeth and bone structure.
Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo Known as the “Merchant’s Stone”, assists with acquiring and maintaining wealth. Dissipates and transmutes negative energy. Stimulates mental focus and endurance. Clarifies problems related to intellect and emotions. Helpful in problem solving. Stabilizes emotions. Dispels anger. Helps with positive thinking. Aids in digestion, increased visual abilities, and balancing the thyroid.
Gemini Calms communications to facilitates awareness. Encourages emotional expression. Assists with retentive memory. Spurs ambition. Eliminates hesitation, pain, stress and rage. Lessens rudeness and boisterousness. Encourages subtlety and tact. Aids in balancing calcium levels, teeth, bone structure and soft tissues.
Clear Quartz
All Astrological Signs Dispels static electricity. Redirects energy to a beneficial state. Produces natural balance. Amplifies body energy and thoughts. Clears and activates the energy centers of the body. Purifies and amplifies energy. Assists in maintaining calm clarity. Protective. Promotes emotional stability. Aids immune system, digestive system, kidney and bladder infections, and burns.
Gemini Known as the “Stone of Creativity”. Assists in building solidarity and cohesiveness in relationships and groups. Assists with avoiding distractions of the mind. Dispels mirages of reality. Encourages truth, reveals that which was hidden. Promotes clarity in thought and sight. Dispels abrasiveness of character. Discourages tirades, temper tantrums and general grouchiness. Promotes the feeling and understanding of loving acceptance. Aids in vertebra alignment and re-vitalization of the skin.