Libra Gemstones


September 23 - October 22
The Scales

Below are some of the Libra gemstones I use in my jewelry making. It lists the gemstone and its properties.
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Libra Gemstones

Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo
Known as the “Merchant’s Stone”, assists with acquiring and maintaining wealth. Dissipates and transmutes negative energy. Stimulates mental focus and endurance. Clarifies problems related to intellect and emotions. Helpful in problem solving. Stabilizes emotions. Dispels anger. Helps with positive thinking. Aids in digestion, increased visual abilities, and balancing the thyroid.

Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus
Stimulates accurate visions. Balances male/female aspects. Assists with releasing discord. Can use to simulate a compass to know of direction and directional forces. Eliminates debt while enhancing money management. Enhances precision. Aids with liver, lessening fatty deposits and riding body of toxins.

Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Balancing, introspective, reflective and lunar. Relates to new beginnings. Hoping and wishing stone. Helps absorb what is needed, not necessarily what is wanted. “Feeling” stone - brings understanding from intuition and emotional thought rather than intellectual reasoning. Brings insight. Stimulates intuitive recognitions. Enhances perception and discernment. Alleviates emotional tension. Enhances positive creativity. Cleanses negativity. Stimulates confidence and composure. Protects travelers. Talisman of good fortune. Provides sustaining energy. Aids in rejuvenation of many degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs of the body.

Clear Quartz
All Astrological Signs
Dispels static electricity. Redirects energy to a beneficial state. Produces natural balance. Amplifies body energy and thoughts. Clears and activates the energy centers of the body. Purifies and amplifies energy. Assists in maintaining calm clarity. Protective. Promotes emotional stability. Aids immune system, digestive system, kidney and bladder infections, and burns.

Rose Quartz
Taurus, Libra
Known as the “Stone of Gentle Love”. Brings peace and calm to relationships. Promotes receptivity to the beauty of art, music and written word. Enlivens imagination. Calming. Gently removes negativity. Restores harmony. Balances love emotions. Heals emotional wounds. Aids in clearing fluids in the cells, promoting the release of impurities, and clearing skin.

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Looking for a different Zodiac sign:

Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo,
Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo



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