Making Wire Wrapped Jewelry

In my opinion, making wire wrapped jewelry is nothing more than putting a few wire wrap components together, and coming out with a cool piece of jewelry. Learn how to make individual wire wrap components

Wire Wrapped Beaded Chain

Possibly the most simple form of making wire wrapped jewelry is where you create wire wrap loops on both sides of a bead, and continue to chain them together. This is call making a Rosary chain. You can use this technique to make bracelets or necklaces.

To do this, cut a length of wire, about 4” - 6” long, depending on your desired finished “bead” size. Create a wire wrap loop on one end of the wire. (This can be a simple wire wrap loop, or a standard wrapped post loop.) String on a bead. You’ve just made your first “bead”. Click here to go to a video on how to make a wire wrap loop

Create a second wire wrap loop on the other end of the wire. With your next piece of wire, slip the end of the wire through one of the loops on your last “bead”, then create another wire wrap loop. This loop should connect both “beads” together. Thread a bead onto the wire, and continue the process, until your necklace or bracelet is as long as you want it.

Add a clasp with your last bead. You do not even have to add a clasp end, as the empty loop on your first bead becomes your solid loop to attach the clasp to.

Combining Wire Wrap Components

making wire wrapped jewelry, wire wrapped jewelry

This is my favorite piece of wire wrapped jewelry I have made. I made a whole bunch of small wire wrapped pieces, and connected them all together. It is made using a jig, and creating long beads out of rose quartz chips and wire. I used the simple wire wrap loop technique on the ends of my beads.

I treated each piece like a bead, and linked them all together, using the loop I created on the stone beads. I used a fun, bright color, and it really added to the overall effect.

You can link your pieces either by using jump rings, or by using one of the loops you created, as a jump ring.
Click here for more wire wrapped components

Using a Jig

Using a jig is another from of making wire jewelry. A jig is a piece of metal, plastic or wood with a bunch of pegs in it, at regular intervals. You use a jig to create all sorts of curves and designs in your wire, then use a hammer and anvil to harden and “set” the design in the wire.
Read more about using a jig here

Make Your Own French Wire

making wire wrapped jewelry, wire wrapping

Making your own French wire is fun, too. That is, simply, wrapping wire around a small post very tightly until you have a long piece of tubed wire that looks like a spring. Using this French wire to wrap around other jewelry components gives you some really cool effects. Use this wire as beads, or use it to wrap around stones, for a pendant. You could even use this as chain, if you make it small enough, and create a wire wrap loop at one, or both ends, to attach it to earring blanks. It can even become the dangle of an earring. Read more about making your own French wire.

Just as with the French wire, you can take other, thinner wires, and wrap them around earring blanks to make some interesting patterns. This can add a whole other dimension and depth to your earrings projects.

Making a Wire Wrap Pendent

When making wire wrapped jewelry, you can also make your own pendant. You can take a simple stone, or gem, and wrap some wire around it, forming a type of “cage”. Use more wire to create a bail, and there you go. Your very own wire wrapped pendant! Use wire that accents or compliments the stone.

Go to Making Wire Jewelry Components

Check out this site for some other really great wire wrapping ideas and instructions. There are TONS of really great suggestions for making wire wrapped jewelry and components that are uniquely your own.


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