Running Stitch
for Hand Embroidery

hand embroidery

The running stitch has got to be the easiest of all hand embroidery stitches. This stitch is used to give that “crafty” look to many different projects. It is a simple continuous up and down stitch. It is commonly used as a basting stitch in standard practical sewing.

hand embroidery

Knot your thread. Insert your needle from behind into your starting point. Pull tight to knot. Insert your needle from the front. Pull tight. Insert your needle from behind about the same length away from your beginning stitch as the actual stitch length. Continue in this pattern until you have completed your stitching area. Tie off. Try to keep your stitch length and blank space in between stitches as uniform as possible.

hand embroidery

Another way of doing this simple stitch is to “weave” your needle in and out of your fabric a few times and create multiple stitches at the same time.

Note: Be careful not to pull these stitches too tight. Since this stitch is a basic basting stitch, if you pull it too tightly, it will bunch, or ruffle your fabric.

One way you could change this stitch up a bit is by changing the stitch and space lengths. Try mixing in short and long stitches and short and long spaces. Or even long stitches with short spaces or visa versa. You can also weave contrasting thread colors through your stitches. This creates completely different effects. All with the same basic running stitch!

Next Stitch: Satin Stitch

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