Sagittarius Gemstones


November 22 - December 21
The Archer

Below are some of the Sagittarius gemstones I use in my jewelry making. It lists the gemstone and its properties.
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Sagittarius Gemstones

Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius
Simulates analytical capabilities and precision. Protects against envy, fear and rage. Helps banish sorrow. Stabilizes energy at home. Dispels apathy and passivity. Cleanses negativity from other stones. Assists thespians. Increases physical energy, personal power creativity and compassion. Aids against colds and allergies.

Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus
Stimulates accurate visions. Balances male/female aspects. Assists with releasing discord. Can use to simulate a compass to know of direction and directional forces. Eliminates debt while enhancing money management. Enhances precision. Aids with liver, lessening fatty deposits and riding body of toxins.

Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo
Protects aura. Assists understanding destiny. Assists with traversing change, attracting strength and perseverance. Provides clarity to inner sight. Helps one advance. Enhances patience. Aids in stimulating mental acuity, reducing anxiety and stress, digestion, regulation and metabolism.

Lapis Lazuli
Known as a “Stone of Total Awareness”. Expands awareness and intellectual capacity. Assists objectivity and organization. Helps overcome depression. Brings successful relationships. Protects from psychic and physical attack. Aids with insight to dreams. Aids throat, bone marrow, thymus, hearing loss, and Eustachian tubes and the immune system.

Virgo, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Emits warm and friendly energy. Magnifies the inner aspects of any situation or circumstance. Regulates cycles. Protective. Helps heal bruised egos. Assists in finding lost things. Aids in regenerating and strengthening the body, heart, lungs, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers, and eye sight. Aids in birth.

Clear Quartz
All Astrological Signs
Dispels static electricity. Redirects energy to a beneficial state. Produces natural balance. Amplifies body energy and thoughts. Clears and activates the energy centers of the body. Purifies and amplifies energy. Assists in maintaining calm clarity. Protective. Promotes emotional stability. Aids immune system, digestive system, kidney and bladder infections, and burns.

Equalizes and stimulates intellect. Eliminates confusion. Stimulates group compatibility. Encourages self-esteem and trust. Enhances truthfulness in emotions. Aids in purifying body, dispelling insomnia and digestive system.

Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio
Strengthens and aligns all chakras. Facilitates attunement. Heals and cleanses. Protects from environmental pollutants. Grounds. Provides soothing energy and peace of mind. Protects against accidents. Protective. Balances male/female aspects. Assists in communications. Induces wisdom and understanding. Enhances trust, kindness and recognition of beauty. Promotes romantic spontaneity. Emanates purifying energy, dissipates negative energy. Aids with headaches, absorption of nutrients, cataracts, and strengthening entire anatomy.

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Looking for a different Zodiac sign:

Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo,
Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo



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